Friday, August 28, 2009

Reality Check

When Tako said that she wanted to propose something to me, I foolishly thought for a moment that she was talking about marriage. My hopes were crushed when she revealed that her plans were much more focused on immediate concerns. She had left the "medical drama" and was now out of work. Further, she had been looking to make the move from acting to producing/directing and now felt that she knew exactly what she needed to do. I played a part in her plans, she explained, and it would be beneficial for me as well, she hoped.

She explained that Serg Riva Designs needed a facelift, and that although my work was better than ever, my media presence was still stuck in the golden age of couture swim wear that reached only the most financially gifted via word of mouth and hand-lettered invitations. What I needed, she explained, was a way to reach a broader audience. What I needed, she went on, was a Reality TV show.

I was the most interesting character she knew, she explained, and this said a lot, considering she works in Hollywood.

I hated the idea of having the atelier invaded by a television crew, but loved the idea of seeing Tako more than just a few times a month. I let my mind run away with me and started to imagine the show as a glamourous rendition of my creative life. I would go on living as I had before the cameras started rolling, the only difference would be just a little more art direction and slightly better lighting. All the boring moments could be edited away, and what remained would be like a spread in Elle Decor or Architectural Digest, but on video.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew the idea was a potential nightmare, but I didn't care.

Against all sound judgement, I agreed to do the show.

What have I gotten myself into?


Couture Carrie said...

Love your writing!


Ela said...

Oh what a fabulous way of thinking, Serg! It'd do a lot of people, including me at times, to care less about what other people thought.

Hope you had a fantastic weekend!

sky fanatic said...

we love these drawing. and you are lovely.

thanks your lovely comment.

Sky Fanatic (soulbitch & yellow cab)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your sweet comment!

Gotta love your writing:)


Greet Lefèvre said...

Thank you Serg for the comment on my blogpost!

It means a lot to me!


Jennifer Fabulous said...

Oh, reality television. It's a blessing and a curse. ;)
Love your writing! You need to write a book!

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see what happens next. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks like your blog too...I'm following yours.

The Photodiarist said...

Love your blog. Great writing. thanks for your comment on my blog. Hope to see you again soon. I will now be following yours!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Is it something I'll be able to catch??

Green said...

You really like Tako a lot! Why don't you propose her first?
Be a man!

Dominica said...

Wow, some gem blog found here !
Thanks for the sweet comment regarding my blog !!
D. X

Syed said...

Woah, really hope it goes well, sounds so exciting! Haha and I sometimes wish the boring bits of my life could just be edited out. Hope you're having a wonderful day :)

Anonymous said...

ommmggggg!! what a fab idea!
do it!! lol. :)

Erin said...

thanks for your sweet comment.

the title of said show will dictate what type of show it is. can't wait to hear what it is